Constitution and Rules

The Mornington Clay Target Club has rules in place for the safety and well being of all those visiting our club.

Our main priority at the Club is Gun Safety, and we rely on everyone to watch everyone with us. If you see someone doing something wrong, do your best to stop it as soon as possible.

For example: If someone is walking around the ground with their gun closed, politely tell them to open their gun. If you see a shell in someone’s open gun, ask them nicely to remove the shell. By doing so, you could have saved someone’s life.

Guns are your responsibility. If your not next to your firearm, please lock it up.

If the Mornington Clay Target Club suspects that a new or current shooter does not satisfy ANY of the criteria above, they will not be permitted to participate and may be asked to leave the club grounds.

All Visitors and Members are to report to the office before heading out to the grounds. You must sign in.

Strictly no drinking or ammunition sales in the car park

No Lead shot on MCTC grounds.

If you see someone shooting Lead come and tell club officials instantly. We take this very seriously and anyone who is aware of this who doesn’t obey the rule will be asked to leave the club.

If you arrive early, seek permission from Club Officials before shooting.

By law, all shooters must:

have a 0.00 blood alcohol level to operate a firearm, and
not be under the influence of prohibited drugs, and
not be under the influence of prescription drugs for psychological purposes, and
be of sound mind and body (manageable physical disabilities are acceptable), and
not have a criminal record related to violence or firearm offences, and
not suffer from a medical condition, such as epilepsy or acute hypotension, which may lead to a temporary loss of consciousness and / or control.